All School News - FEBRUARY 6, 2025
February is Black History Month. Celebrations and learning opportunities will take place throughout the month, including guest speakers and authors.
Middle School Dance and Games Night is tonight at 6:00 pm.
We are looking forward to celebrating York’s Class of ‘25 at the Grade 12 Celebration Breakfast tomorrow at 8 am!
The JS YPA Friendship Fun Day and Middle School Outers Club Winter Adventure are tomorrow.
Friday Night Lights starts at 5:30 pm. Come out and support our Varsity Girls Volleyball and Varsity Boys Basketball teams!
Best of luck to our students in grades 10 through 12 participating in the DECA Provincials Competition!
Good luck to Elizabeth K. who will be representing York at the Senior National Public Speaking Championship in Winnipeg this weekend!
Early dismissal for both school campuses on Wednesday, February 12 for Parent- Teacher and Student-Centered Conferences which will run until Thursday, February 13.
Challenge of the Week:
Everyone in TYS community come out and “pack the house” to support our Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys Volleyball Teams at Friday Night Lights! We’d love to see our Junior School families join as well. Check out the food truck and enter the raffle to win Raptors tickets!
TYS is rolling and we are approaching the end of season playoffs and tournaments. Let’s finish strong!
Big shout out to all of our girls involved in sports inside and outside of The York School as we celebrated National Girls and Women in Sports Day on February 5th, 2025!
The York SHOP
New Chill Vest (Black Vest) and Black Fleece Samples are now available at each campus.
Junior School by the Yonge St. entrance.
Middle/Senior School at The Shop.
If you have any questions please reach out to Astrid Fischer at
Update: Any orders placed after January 31, will be delivered after March break.