Junior School - SEPTEMBER 28, 2023
What you need to know
Student-Centered Conferences (in-person) Wednesday, November 8 & Thursday, November 9 - Students will be dismissed at 11:45am on Wednesday and will not have any classes on Thursday. These are conferences that will focus on learning goals and will include students, parents and teachers. Students are expected to attend these conferences. JK & SK students will not be attending. This will be for parents of JK & SK students only. There will be no aftercare provision on both days.
Pick up update: We ask all parents to be mindful of other pedestrians and neighbors using the sidewalk during pick up. We would like parents to give their names to the person on duty and stand back to either side leaving the exit and sidewalk open. We ask for your patience as we notify the teachers and get your child(ren) to you wherever you are as soon as they get down. Thank you!
Health & Safety
Health reminders for Back to School
Please have your child stay home if they are sick.
They may return to school if they have been fever free for 24 hours and their symptoms have been improving for 24 hours.
If they test positive for covid, they should remain home until they are fever free for 24 hours and their symptoms are improving/mostly gone. They should wear a mask for 10 days from when their symptoms began.
Please take a moment to look at the guidelines posted from Toronto Public Health. Bookmark the guidelines for easy reference.
Wishing everyone a healthy fall. As always, any health related questions please reach out to Shana Brandes at sbrandes@yorkschool.com, our school nurse.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Orange Shirt Casual Day this Friday, September 29th to honour National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
We are welcoming Indigenous children’s author David A. Robertson virtually on Friday morning to speak to our SK- Grade 5 students about his picture book When We Were Alone. It is an empowering story of resistance that gently introduces children to the history of residential schools in Canada.
Session 1 ( SK-Grade 2): 8:40am - 9:25am
Session 2 (Grades 3-5): 9:30am - 10:15am
Menu Addition for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
In recognition of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30), Aramark will be showing respect and appreciation for Indigenous peoples by serving Three Sisters Soup, a recipe inspired by Indigenous cuisine. This soup is made with diced butternut squash, green beans and corn. In a number of Indigenous communities, these crops are called the "Three Sisters." When planted side by side, they help each other during growth, resulting in better yields at harvest. This soup is vegan and gluten free.
First House Meeting and House Colour Casual Day - Thursday, October 5th
Students are asked to leave their uniforms at home next Thursday and show their house spirit! Look at home or go shopping for house colour clothing and accessories.
Air -yellow, Water- blue, Fire- red, Earth- green
Yearbook Cover Design Contest
Official Start Date: Monday, October 2nd
Submission Deadline: Wednesday, November 1st 2023
All Junior School students are invited to participate in our annual Yearbook Cover Design Contest. Students can draw anything that represents The York School. This year, we would like to showcase our new house names and symbols.
Drawings should be submitted in a portrait format on 8 1/2 “ x 11” blank paper.
Use colour pencils and watercolours to create your work of art.
A fine line pilot pen for outlining is strongly recommended as is using lots of colour.
Please forward your child’s work, once completed, to their Homeroom Teacher. Students can enter as many pictures as they like and can work with their siblings, a friend or on their own.
The York Shop
The York Shop will be open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from October 2, 2023 to December 15, 2023 for in person shopping.
The shop hours:
11:30am to 12:30pmIf you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Astrid Fischer at Afischer@yorkschool.com
For families who are not able to make it to the shop in person, we have created an online order form for each of our campuses. Please click on the appropriate link below, keeping in mind the campus of your child.
Junior School families please click here to fill out the order form.
Middle and Senior School families please click here to fill out the order form.