Middle School - FEBRUARY 20, 2025

upcoming events

Thursday, February 20, 5:00 - 6:00 pm: Grade 7-10 Virtual Challenge Week Parent Information Evening

  • The lead teacher of your child’s trip will be in touch in advance to share the Google Meet link via email.

Monday, February 24, 5:00 - 6:00 pm: Grade 6 Virtual Challenge Week Parent Information Evening

  • The lead teacher of your child’s trip will be in touch in advance to share the Google Meet link via email.

Monday, February 24 - Friday, February 28: U13 to Varsity CISAA Championship Week

February 24 - March 6

  • Lost and Found

    • The lost and found items will be displayed in the Athletic Centre for students to peruse.

    • Students are encouraged to take time to claim lost items.

    • Unclaimed items will be donated.

  • Locker and Desk clean-out 

    • Over the next couple of weeks, students will be given time to clean out their lockers and desks.

    • Students should take home anything they need over the March break, e.g., coats and boots.

Wednesday, February 26:

  • Professional Photoshoot at 1320 Campus: A professional photographer will be photographing students, teachers, and classes in action next Wednesday.
    All students should be in uniform.

  • Student Leadership Launch Assembly

  • 2025-2026 Student Leadership applications open

February 26 & 27: Leadership Fair at lunchtime in Learning Commons

February 28 - March 29: Ramadan

  • Students are encouraged to let their homeroom teacher know if they are fasting. 

  • Students who are fasting have the option of sitting in the Middle School commons area during lunch.

Monday, March 3, 3:30 pm - 8:00 pm: Jazz Showcase at Lula Lounge 

  • Student performance groups include the Senior Jazz Band, Senior Jazz Nonet, Senior Jazz Orchestra, and Middle School Jazz Band.

Wednesday, March 5, 9:05 am: Gradest Showdown Assembly

Thursday, March 6:

  • Grade 7 Fort York Excursion, 9:15 am - 3:05 pm

    • This trip extends learning regarding the life and experiences of soldiers and warfare in British North America before, during, and after the War of 1812.

  • Student Leadership Applications

    • Chair Applications - due by 12 pm

    • General Applications for Directors, Coordinators, Editors and Committee Members - due by 4 pm

    • Candidates’ meeting at 4 pm

Sunday, March 9 - Daylight Saving 

Monday, March 10 - Friday, March 21: March Break (No Classes)

Monday, March 24 - Classes resume



Our Grade 11 CAS students are engaging our community in learning about the platforms of our 4 major party leaders ahead of the Provincial election. The CIVIX student vote is a tradition in many schools across Canada for grades 8-12 to encourage informed votership and civic engagement. 

At York, our student voting days will be taking place next week with support from our Civics and Social Studies teachers. 

Questions? Contact Craig Aitkenhead (caitkenhead@yorkschool.com) or Jesse Grosman (jgrosman@yorkschool.com)


Student leadership applications for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Wednesday, February 26 following an information session during our spirit assembly.

Student leadership is one of the many ways to get involved and connected with The York School community in a way that amplifies student voice and influences our student life programming. 

Please encourage your students to review the Leadership Descriptions Doc and note Grade Eligibility before completing their application. Students will be able to rank their top 3 choices on the application. The timeline for applying to all positions, including elected and interviewed positions, can be reviewed here.

There will be a Leadership Fair for students to ask questions of this year’s student leaders during lunchtime on Wednesday, February 26 and Thursday, February 27 in the Library/Learning Commons.

Application Deadlines:

  • Thursday, March 6 at 4 pm: General Applications for Directors, Coordinators, Editors and Committee Members

  • Thursday, March 6 at 12 pm: Chair Applications

    Please note there is a candidates’ meeting at 4 pm on March 6.

Questions? Please contact:
Adina Fuss, Coordinator, Senior Student Leadership (afuss@yorkschool.com)
Diana Rowell, Coordinator, Middle Student Leadership (drowell@yorkschool.com)