Middle School - FEBRUARY 29, 2024

Upcoming EVENTS

Winter term athletics

  • Congratulations to all athletes for their participation in the winter athletics season.

  • Special kudos to the U14 boys’ basketball and U14 girls’ volleyball teams for winning a CISAA championship.

Girls in Tech Conference 

Grade 7 and 8 Course Selection Forms for the 2024-2025 Academic Year - Due March 5th

  • Please find the presentation here

  • Students and parents are required to complete two elective choices by March 5, 2024. Missing this deadline may result in students not getting their first choice. 

  • You can access the 2024-2025 Course Selection Form via your YorkNet account. When you log in to YorkNet, you will see this form (along with any other forms requiring completion). Only one parent needs to complete the form for your family.

Locker and Desk Clean Out 

  • Before the March break, students will be given time to clean out their lockers and desks.

  • Students should take home anything they will need over the March break e.g. coats, shoes, boots.

Lost and Found - February 26 - March 7 

  • All lost and found items will be on display in the Fitness Centre from February 26 - March 7. 

  • Students are reminded to take time to collect any missing items.

  • Unclaimed items will be donated.

Grade 7 Fort York Field Trip - March 5

  • This trip extends learning regarding the life and experiences of soldiers and warfare in British North America before, during, and after the War of 1812.

The Jazz Showcase - March 5

  • Students in TYS jazz ensembles will perform a varied program of jazz repertoire in concert with featured guest artist Kae Murphy. 

  • This event provides the students with an authentic performance experience on a professional stage in collaboration with a professional musician for a live audience.

  • The Jazz Showcase is supported, in part, through Annual Fund donations. Thank you to everyone who supports York’s Annual Fund.

Grade 6 Guest: Chef à l'école - March 7

  • On Thursday, March 7, the grade 6s classes at The York School will welcome Chef Susanne, aka, Chef à l’école, for an interactive learning experience.

  •  She will run a 90 minute session for each grade 6 class that includes storytelling, cooking, music, and cultural fun. 

  • We are excited to have the opportunity to host her here, and this experience will be the perfect kick-off to our unit about food after March Break!

  • Chef à l'école is supported through Annual Fund donations. Thank you to everyone who supports York’s Annual Fund.

Field Trip to aga Khan Museum - March 7

  • See the details below.

Lockdown Drill - March 8

  • As part of the school’s safety plan, the students will be practicing a lockdown drill on Friday, March 8.

  • If your child might experience upset about these drills, please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher for support.

March Break Dates

  • March 11 - 22 (No Classes)

  • Classes resume on March 25

March/April Break Dates

  • Friday, March 29 - Good Friday (no classes)

  • Monday, April 1 - Easter Monday (no classes)

  • Monday, April 8 - PD Day (no classes)


House Standings Update!

As of February 28, these are our new House standings! Congratulations to all students and staff who have been participating in house teams during our various challenges as well as contributing as individuals by embodying York’s 3 C Values - Community, Curiosity and Challenge. 

Stay tuned for our next challenge morning after March Break where we will determine “Where is Mr Hamilton”?

Student Leadership Applications
Now Open for 2024/2025 - DUE THURSDAY,  MARCH 7

We are excited to launch the student leadership opportunities for 2024-2025! Being involved in student leadership is a great way for our students to give back to the York community and shape its direction!

Students in Grades 6-11 will hear about the new positions and committees during Wednesday’s assembly. Additionally, there will be a leadership fair at lunch on Wednesday, February 28 in the cafeteria and again at 8:00am - 8:40am on Thursday, February 29 where students can ask questions about the different roles from this year’s student leaders.

Students interested in learning more about how to get involved in the York community and being a part of incorporating student voice into Student Life planning and events, should check out the Leadership Descriptions document on the Student Life & Belonging tile on YorkNet.

This year, all students wishing to engage in student leadership in some capacity must apply. Students will receive an authentic experience of applying for a role and, in some cases, for more senior roles, will receive an interview.  Advisors and Homeroom teachers will also be available to support this process.

Co-curricular clubs will continue to be offered on a drop-in basis.

Questions? Please contact Erin Porter, Director, Student Life & Belonging at eporter@yorkschool.com, Adina Fuss, Coordinator, Senior Student Leadership at afuss@yorkschool.com or Diana Rowell, Coordinator, Middle School Student Leadership at drowell@yorkschool.com.

Assembly: Understanding Islam and the Muslim Experience - Wednesday, March 6

As an integral component of our ongoing assembly series dedicated to exploring diverse identities, backgrounds, and experiences of those within The York School community and Canada, we are delighted to announce that on Wednesday, March 6, we will host Dr. Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, alongside a group of student presenters. They will share their insights into the Muslim community and delve into the nuanced experience of being Muslim in Canada.

Questions? Please contact Shelley Gopal, DEI Curriculum Instructional Leader at sgopal@yorkschool.com and Erin Porter, Director, Student Life & Belonging at eporter@yorkschool.com.

Aga Khan Museum Field Trip Reminder - Thursday, March 7

On Thursday, March 7, students and staff who signed up to visit the Aga Khan Museum are reminded that our tour and activity is from 10:00am - 12:00pm. 

The bus will leave York at 9:05am and return by 12:40pm. 

Students will meet Ms Gopal in the Library Commons for 9 am and must bring a lunch to eat en route.  

Questions? Please contact Shelley Gopal, DEI Curriculum Instructional Leader at sgopal@yorkschool.com.

Staff Vs. Student Basketball Game - Friday, March 8

We are excited that on Friday, March 8 our annual staff vs. student basketball game will be held for the Middle School from 3:00pm - 3:30pm.

Students wishing to represent their division in the ultimate York School showdown should sign up using the form that was emailed to them on Monday.  As this is the last day before the March break, students are encouraged to be aware of their family’s plans for this day prior to signing up.

Questions? Please contact Erin Porter, Director, Student Life & Belonging at eporter@yorkschool.com.


Date: April 4, 2024
Where: Learning Commons, 1320 Yonge Street (Middle/Senior Campus)
Time: 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Note: In an effort to not create waste, please bring a reusable bag to the sale.

Preloved UNIFORM Donations

Junior School: Preloved Uniform Drive collection boxes are on the main floor by the elevator.
Middle/Senior School: Preloved Uniform Drive collection boxes are on the main floor by the reception.
Please bring all your Preloved uniforms to your child/children's respective campus and place them inside the boxes provided at reception.


The York Parents’ Association is looking for a volunteer from our parent community to work with our current Treasurer to support them and learn about the role from now until the end of the school year in June 2024. This person will then take on the role of the YPA Treasurer starting July 2024. This volunteer position is a YPA Executive role, and ideally involves a two year commitment.
If you are interested in this role, please fill out the form by Thursday March 7, 2024.