Middle School - November 2, 2023
Fall Progress Reports - Week of November 6
The November Progress Reports will be posted on YorkNet during the week of November 6th. An email will be sent to parents notifying you when the reports have been released.
YPA Sponsored Movie Night - November 8 from 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Pizza, popcorn and snacks provided by the YPA.
We will be watching Disney and Pixar’s Elemental.
Parents or guardians please fill out the Permissions forms by Monday Nov 6.
Grade 8 Old York Historical Walk and Mackenzie House Trip - November 9
8 grade students will be heading to Mackenzie House in downtown Toronto to explore the historical significance of the 1837 Rebellions, the power of the printing press, architecture, city planning, and cultural practices of the time.
During a historical walk of York (old downtown Toronto), students will learn about the successes and challenges that BIPOC faced during this time period, as well as prominent figures who advocated for change in their communities.
Pick-A-Time - November 9 at 1:00pm
Pick-A-Time will be open for parents to book appointments for Student Centred Interviews on Thursday, November 9 at 1:00pm. Click on to this video for instructions.
Virtual Student Centered Interviews - November 23 and 24
Student Centred Interviews are scheduled for November 23 from 1:00pm - 8:30pm and November 24 from 8:30am - 4:00pm.
Students will be dismissed from school at 11:40am on November 23 in order to get home for interviews. There will be no classes on the afternoon of November 23 or all day on November 24.
Daylight Savings Time
Please note clocks fall back one hour on Sunday morning.
Fall Mid-Term Break
No classes on Friday, November 10 and Monday, November 13
Peer Tutoring Program
Great news, York!
The Peer Tutoring Program is up and running. We have over 30 Senior School students signed up and ready to be Peer Tutors with our grades 6-9 students. We need more Middle School students to take advantage of this great opportunity!
Peer tutors will be offering support in a variety of ways:
individual and small group,
subject-specific (ie. French/Math/English, etc.)
supporting student organization
mentoring/connecting with younger students
Peer tutoring sessions can be in person (preferred) or virtual. Tutors and their students (tutees) will be meeting about once a week for a 30 - 45 minute session at a mutually agreed upon time. This could take place before or after school in person or into the evening if you decide to meet virtually.
Sign up for a Peer Tutor here by filling out this form: Grade 6-9 Peer Tutoring Request Form 2023-24.
Please email Ms. Robertson at jrobertson@yorkschool.com or Ms. Rhemtulla at krhemtulla@yorkschool.com if you have any questions about the Peer Tutoring program.
Health and Safety
Toronto Public Health (TPH) will be hosting a School Immunization Program (SIP) clinic at The York School on Friday, December 1, 2023. The clinic will offer hepatitis b, human papillomavirus (HPV), and meningococcal vaccines to grade 7 (and 8) students. An email went out to all Grade 7 and 8 Families on Monday, please read and return your child’s consent form if you wish to have them vaccinated on Dec 1, 2023. If you have questions please reach out to our nurse at sbrandes@yorkschool.com.
Health reminders for Back to School
Please have your child stay home if they are sick.
They may return to school if they have been fever free for 24 hours and their symptoms have been improving for 24 hours.
If they test positive for covid, they should remain home until they are fever free for 24 hours and their symptoms are improving/mostly gone. They should wear a mask for 10 days from when their symptoms began.
Please take a moment to look at the guidelines posted from Toronto Public Health. Bookmark the guidelines for easy reference.
Wishing everyone a healthy fall. As always, any health related questions please reach out to Shana Brandes, sbrandes@yorkschool.com, our school nurse.
Here is the link to the guidelines.
MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS: Wednesday November 8 Middle school Movie Night
Permission Form here - (RSVP by Monday, November 6)
York Scares Hunger Update!
Thank you York School community for your generosity in this year’s York Scares Hunger campaign for the Daily Bread Food Band. We raised $1734.50 in online donations and collected 845 units of food!
For the house competition:
BYOM! - Thirsty Thursday House Challenge
This is a reminder for all students to Bring Your Own Mugs and LABELLED Water Bottles to school!
Our cafeteria staff have noticed our increase in waste since the pandemic and challenged us to do better with our disposable cup use. Let’s keep the Green in GLAD!
On Thursday, November 9 our Eco-Team student leaders will be giving out house points for a Thirsty Thursday challenge. Show your reusable water bottle or mug to the Eco-Team and score some Community points for your house!
House Points and The New Strategic Plan
If you’ve ever wondered how your student participates in our house program, here are some of the ways they can personally contribute to their House point total which, ultimately, earns one of our 4 Houses - the House Cup!
Students and teachers can nominate members of our community based on the 3 C’s as a way to further engage with this program.
November Student Life Events and Special Themed Dress Days
YOGA - Every Wednesday Morning from 7:30am - 8:00am
In keeping with our Wellbeing Wednesday focus for the month of November, we have Yoga in the Fitness Centre. Our instructor, Hali, has been teaching fitness for 15 years, and loves to motivate her students to better understand movement and body alignment so that they can do all their other activities with greater agility and enjoyment. She has travelled to Mysore, India on a number of occasions to study the practice of Hatha Yoga. It is through these teachings that Hali brings her knowledge and love for the discipline to her students.
Looking forward to seeing more students taking up this practice on Wednesdays!
Questions? Please contact Michele Matthews, Athletics Assistant at mmatthews@yorkschool.com.