Middle School - November 9, 2023
Fall Mid-Term Break
No classes on Friday, November 10 and Monday, November 13
Indigenous Veterans Day and Remembrance Day
Congratulations to our middle school speakers: Teresa B., Max B., Cooper T., Beckett G., Ulan N., Wren L who shared words of history, and messages of remembrance and hope at our recent Remembrance Day assembly.
Thank you to our grade 6 choir and grade 7 and 8 Honor band for their performances at the assembly.
To our families who are observing Diwali on November 12, enjoy a festive Diwali with an abundance of light.
Pick-A-Time - November 9 at 1:00pm
Pick-A-Time will be open for parents to book appointments for Student Centred Interviews on Thursday, November 9 at 1:00pm. Click on to this video for instructions.
Fire Drill - November 14
The last fire drill of the year is scheduled for 1:40pm.
Upcoming Optional Lunch Outs
The next optional Grade 7 Lunch out is on Thursday, November, 16
Grade 6s will have their first lunch out on Wednesday, November 22.
Students are welcome to have a lunch out on Yonge street
Homeroom teachers will review the boundaries and rules with students
Grade 8 Students will continue to have an optional lunch out on Fridays
Grade 8 Exploring Technologies - Guest Speaker
On Friday, November 17 we welcome Elaine Mainberger who will speak to grade 8 students about Artificial Intelligence.
The York School Live & In Concert - November 22, 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Please join us for The York School Live & In Concert Music Night at 1320 Yonge Street - Gymnasium.
Students who participate in co-curricular ensembles will be featured from the Middle & Senior School.
Note an Arts evening will be held in April that will feature all music, drama and art students.
Virtual Student Centered Interviews - November 23 and 24
Student Centred Interviews are scheduled for November 23 from 1:00pm - 8:30pm and November 24 from 8:30am - 4:00pm.
Students will be dismissed from school at 11:40am on November 23 in order to get home for interviews. There will be no classes on the afternoon of November 23 or all day on November 24.
November Student Life Events and Special Themed Dress Days
This is a reminder for all students to Bring Your Own Mugs and LABELLED Water Bottles to school!
Our cafeteria staff have noticed our increase in waste since the pandemic and challenged us to do better with our disposable cup use. Let’s keep the Green in GLAD!
Co-Curricular Clubs and Athletics
A reminder that the Winter term for Athletics has begun and our club's program is continually being updated with new offerings!
Please encourage your student to continue to check the co curricular schedules which can be found on the Student Life tile on YorkNet.