Middle School - OCTOBER 12, 2023

Grade 6 Trip to The Canadian Heritage Warplane Museum - October 13

  • Grade 6 students should be in their homeroom by 7:45am on the day of the trip.

  • The program offered at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum is designed to help deliver the Matter and Materials strand from the science & technology curriculum, particularly the Properties of Air and The Characteristics of Flight Unit. 

  • The students will be participating in activities looking at pneumatic and hydraulic systems, the concepts of pressure and lift as well as thrust and drag. 

  • Students will also have the opportunity to take a trip back in time to the days of Daniel Bernoulli, a mathematician and scientist, which is a great link between the two subject areas.

Grade 8 to 9 Information Evening - October 17

  • Parents are invited to the Learning Commons on Tuesday, October 17 at 6:30pm to learn about the Senior School experience.

  • Please R.S.V.P Here

  • Students will receive a separate presentation on Friday, October 20 during their homeroom

Changeroom Updates/Uniform

  • Changerooms are operational.

  • Students should carry their PE uniform in a small bag so they can change out of their uniform and put belongings in the bag and take it with them to PE class. 

  • Uniforms are not to be left behind in the changeroom stalls.

Lunch Out - Optional

  • The next Grade 7 lunch out will be on Thursday, October 19

  • HR teachers will review the safety protocols, boundaries, and rules to lunch outs. Failing to adhere to these rules may result in the loss of this privilege.

  • The Grade 8’s will continue to be permitted to have lunch out every Friday. Students are also welcome to stay in for lunch.

Grade 6 - 8 Lice Check - October 19

  • As part of a regular school practice after holidays or school trips, we will be holding a lice check on this day serviced by an outside vendor, Lice Squad. 

Middle and Senior School Photo Day (Grades 6 - 11) - October 26

  • Students should wear one of the following uniform items: the long-sleeved blue polo shirt, the blue crewneck sweatshirt or the blue ¼ zip sweatshirt

Support or extension on school assignments/tasks

  • Students who need support or extension on school work should reach out to their subject teachers.

Curriculum information

Curriculum guides and videos are now available on YorkNet!


House Spirit Week - October 16 to 20

The Student Council has been hard at work planning this Fall’s spirit week! Students can look forward to earning house points by dressing according to the theme of the day and participating in various house-themed activities.

On Wednesday, October 18 we'll have our first House Challenge Morning of the year and students should wear their house colours with pride! For the activities, it is “choose your own adventure”. Students should check their email and complete the google form to sign up for an activity either in the gym (Dodgeball) or Fitness Centre (mini activities). Middle school students will participate from 8:30 - 9:00am and senior students from 9:05am - 9:45am.

Questions? Contact Adina Fuss, Leadership Coordinator at afuss@yorkschool.com.

York Scares Hunger Food Drive - October 16 to 31

Items should go in the student's house bin outside the Student Life and Belonging Office (room 201).

To make an online, monetary donation to the Daily Bread please click HERE.

Questions? Contact Adina Fuss, Leadership Coordinator at afuss@yorkschool.com.

Remembrance Day Assembly
Final Call for Presenters and Items for Video Piece

On Wednesday, November 8 the Senior and Middle Schools will gather for our Remembrance Day assembly. This year, we will recognize Indigenous Veterans Day (November 8) and focus on sharing our community’s connections to service during the World Wars as well as global conflicts. The hope is that we can recognize the historical nature of Remembrance Day while honouring members of York families who were directly involved with and impacted by war. Bringing this history home reminds us of the privilege of living in a free country and being a part of a safe and inclusive school community.

To this end, if your family has a service story, an artefact, photographs or a personal connection that you would be willing to share at our assembly, either as a live presenter or as part of a film piece, please contact Erin Porter - Director, Student Life & Belonging (eporter@yorkschool.com).