Middle School - September 26, 2024
upcoming events
Thursday, September 26, 6:30pm - Middle and Senior School Curriculum Night
Curriculum guides are now available on YorkNet.
Friday, September 27, 2:00pm - Terry Fox Walk
Students are invited to wear house-coloured clothing and accessories or Terry Fox t-shirts past and present. Students will need to be wearing running shoes and have their water bottles. Please see below for more information.
Monday, September 30, 10:05am - National Day for Truth & Reconciliation Assembly
Students are encouraged to wear orange shirts with their regular uniform bottom to honour this day of significance.
Monday, September 30, 7:00pm - Grade 6 First Note Night
Mr. MacFarlane & Mr. Pittman are delighted to welcome Grade 6 students and their families to First Note Night.
Instrument specialists will provide families with guidance on tone production, practice habits and instrument maintenance to students and their parents/guardians.
Students are welcome to take their instruments home at the completion of this event.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - Lockdown Drill
If you anticipate your child may need additional support during our upcoming lockdown drill, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - Wishing our Jewish families a Happy Rosh Hashanah.
Wednesday, October 9, 7:00pm - Parenting in the Digital Age - Jake Ernst, Straight Up Health - RSVP HERE
Thursday, October 10 - Grade 7 & 8 Parent Coffee Morning
Thursday, October 17 - Grade 6 Parent Coffee Morning
Middle school parents are invited to meet some key members of the Middle School who will share information about the transition back to school.
Coffee mornings will run from 8:30am - 9:15am in the Learning Commons.
Please complete the coffee morning R.S.V.P. by Friday, October 4.
Friday, October 11 - Monday, October 14 - Thanksgiving Long Weekend (No Classes)
Parent “Observer” Access to Blackboard - Now Ready
The York School (6-12) uses the Blackboard (LMS) Learning management system in order to facilitate and communicate daily learning throughout the year. Teachers communicate homework, assignments and daily course materials through this powerful platform. Each year York parents (6-12) are given access to the courses of their children.
To log in, Parents will use the following credentials:
Username: Your first and last name (all lowercase, no spaces). Ex. john+doe
Password: The first five digits of your account number, which can be found on your statement or in Yorknet. Ex. 12345
Please watch this video to learn about how to login and navigate Blackboard. If you have any trouble logging in please contact helpdesk@yorkschool.com.
You can access blackboard here - https://yorkschool.blackboard.com/ - and we recommend you bookmark this link. While parent/observer access is convenient we recommend sitting with your children and having them access the system using their account so that you can navigate it together and they can guide you through their full Blackboard experience.
When? Friday, September 27
Run Times:
Middle School 2:00pm - 3:00pm *will return to school to be dismissed*
Grades 9-10 2:20pm - 3:25pm *dismissed directly from the park*
Grades 11-12 2:35pm - 3:25pm *dismissed directly from the park*
Where? David A Balfour Park
What to wear? Students are invited to wear house-coloured clothing and accessories or Terry Fox t-shirts past and present. Students will need to be wearing running shoes and have their water bottles.
Donations? Over 30 years, The York School has raised over $335,000 for The Terry Fox Foundation. This year, our goal for our school community is $10,000.
You can donate to our school’s team page: York School Terry Fox Fundraising Page or send a cash donation ‘Toonies for Terry’ with your child on Thursday and Friday morning to place in their house buckets at Reception.
Questions? Contact Erin Porter, Director, Student Life and Belonging eporter@yorkschool.com.
On Monday, students and staff are encouraged to wear an orange shirt in honour of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. They may wear their orange shirt with uniform bottoms. If they do not have an orange shirt, you can purchase one from the list of approved vendors below or students must wear regular uniform.
The Middle and Senior School will have an assembly at 10 am where we will welcome Dr. Brenda Wastasecoot from the Indigenous Studies Department at the University of Toronto.
If you would like to support the Orange Shirt Society, which provides resources to Residential School Survivors, please purchase your child’s official orange shirt from the list of approved vendors below:
McCabe Promotional (Premiere Retailer)
Canadian Tire
London Drugs – Available in stores, while supplies last
Mark’s – Unisex adult
Mark’s – Unisex youth
Turtle Lodge Trading Post
South Island Crafts
Questions? Please contact Erin Porter, Director, Student Life & Belonging at eporter@yorkschool.com.
Senior School students are invited to sign up for optional and voluntary Math contests happening this fall. They are a great way to challenge yourself and problem solve. If interested, sign up via this Google form by October 9. Please direct questions to Robin Johannsen, rjohannsen@yorkschool.com.
Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge - Wednesday, October 30
American Mathematics Competitions (10A, 12A) - Wednesday, November 6
Canadian Senior and Intermediate Mathematics Contests - Wednesday November 13
Parenting in the Digital Age: Virtual Parent Webinar
Presented by Jake Ernst, Straight Up Health
Today's parents are faced with an unprecedented challenge: to parent and raise their kids in the age of the internet. Many of today’s kids are constantly online and many parents are growing concerned about the impact this is having on kids and their wellbeing. In this session, we’ll talk about the number one factor that impacts whether or not kids get hooked by their device, what apps and websites parents should know about, how to avoid common digital parenting mistakes, and how to strike a balance between digital safety and digital freedom.
Junior School Focus October 8, 7:00pm RSVP HERE
Middle School/Senior School Focus (Students encouraged to attend as well) October 9, 7:00pm RSVP HERE
Full Zip Black Fleece - Online Order Only
The online site is now open for orders until October 15, 2024. Orders can be shipped directly to your home or to The York Shop for free. These orders can be picked up between December 16, 2024 to December 18, 2024 from 11:30am - 1:30pm at The York Shop at our 1320 campus.
Click here to order.
If you plan on ordering a black fleece for yourself or your child in the JS, please head over to the Gathering Place this week in order to try on the samples. We will be moving all the Black Fleece samples at the end of the day this Friday, September 27 so that our Middle and Senior School students will get a chance to try them on.