Middle School - September 5, 2024
upcoming events
Welcome back to school! This weekly Flash will provide essential information for parents regarding the happenings in the middle school. This will include nuts and bolts about the academic, student life, athletic programs. Please make it a part of your weekly reading. Your child will also be provided with similar updates through their homeroom classes.
Communication Lines
Absences and Lates: 1320attendance@yorkschool.com
General Middle School operations: Sally Warren swarren@yorkschool.com
Social emotional wellbeing, general academics: Homeroom teacher, first initial, last name i.e. dlemieux@yorkschool.com
Subject Specific Academic Issues: Subject teacher, first initial, last name i.e. kwalker@yorkschool.com
Ongoing mental health, social emotional issues: Grades 6, 7: Rory Grant rgrant@yorkschool.com, Grade 8: Shana Brandes: sbrandes@yorkschool.com
Learning Support: all grade 6s & 7B students: Julia McCuaig: jmccuaig@yorkschool.com and all grade 8s & 7A, 7C students: Khadijah Rhemtualla: jrhemtulla@yorkschool.com
MYP Curriculum: Fabio Biagiarelli:fbiagiarelli@yorkschool.com
Academic Operations, protocols, ongoing social emotional, disciplinary matters: Helen Gin, Middle School Principal hgin@yorkschool.com
YorkNet Calendar
Refer to the school calendar for all school PA days, holidays to support your planning.
Grade 8 Lunch Out - Friday September 6
The first optional Grade 8 lunch will be on Friday, September 6.
Homeroom teachers will review the boundaries, and rules to lunch outs. Failing to adhere to these rules may result in the loss of this privilege.
The York Shop
All middle school students will visit The York Shop during their gym class on either September 9 or 10 to purchase PHE uniforms. Students can use their Student I.D #’s to purchase items.
The York Shop will be open during lunch, 11:30am - 12:40pm from September 11 - 27. Students are welcome to drop by to purchase items.
Fire Drill - Friday, September 13, 2024
As part of the school’s safety plan, we have regular fire and lock down drills.
The first fire drill will be on Friday, September 13
If you anticipate your child may need additional support during our upcoming fire drills, please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher.
Camp Arowhan Grade 7/8, September 16 -18
Please refer to the venturing out package for drop off and pick up times and packing list. It is very important for students to pack the appropriate clothing for the range of weather.
Camp Arowhan Grade 5/6, September 18 - 20
Please refer to the venturing out package for drop off and pick up times and packing list. It is very important for students to pack the appropriate clothing for the range of weather.
Curriculum Night - Thursday, September 26 - Save the Date
Parent Connects Coffee Socials
The Parent Connects Committee is putting together a parent coffee social open to all York families. The York School is a strong believer in community building and this get together is a great opportunity to bring both new and returning families together across all divisions (Junior, Middle and Senior Schools).
Where: Impact Kitchen, 1222 Yonge St
Time: 8:30am - 9:30am
Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
*Please note that this is a drop-in event so there is no need to RSVP.
Student Life and Belonging
September 6 - Grade 6, 7 & 8 Grade Leader Applications Open
Is your child in Grade 6, 7 or 8? Are they organised, hard-working and energetic? Then student leadership might be a great way for them to get involved in the Middle School community this year!
To have them apply for the Grade Lead Council and represent their Homeroom class, please direct them to the timeline below.
Their application, slide, speech, teacher reference and student vote all contribute to electing the best candidate. Good luck to all applicants!
Questions? Please contact Diana Rowell, Coordinator, Middle School Leadership at drowell@yorkschool.com.
Middle & Senior School Play
We’re excited to announce that this year’s 1320 school production is Cinderella! This show is a pantomime filled with comedy, audience interaction, singing, dancing, and glass slippers! Students interested in participating should join us for our first full cast rehearsal on Wednesday, September 11 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm in the drama room. Rehearsals for speaking roles take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00pm to 5:30pm and full cast rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. Performances will take place on November 28 - 30.
Co-Curricular Clubs and Student Leadership Committees
In-person Clubs Fair - Thursday, September 12 from 11:45am - 12:30pm
Students are encouraged to visit club rooms that they are interested in and speak to teachers and student leaders about what each club has to offer!
*Student leaders who are Directors or Coordinators will begin to meet with Faculty advisors the week of September 9 and 16. Please check your emails to connect with your Faculty advisor.
*All Co-Curricular Clubs and Full Leadership Committee meetings will begin the week of September 23 with the exception of Senior Debate (please see below).
Middle School Co-Curricular Schedule
Senior School Co-Curricular Schedule
Questions? Please contact Erin Porter, Director, Student Life & Belonging at eporter@yorkschool.com.
Community Time - Wednesdays @ 9:05am
Assemblies this year will continue to be on Wednesdays, following Homeroom at 9:05am. With the exception of days of significance (like National Day for Truth and Reconciliation), all assemblies and community time activities will occur on Wednesdays.
Our first, full-school assembly of the year will be on Wednesday, September 11.
Questions? Please contact Erin Porter, Director, Student Life & Belonging at eporter@yorkschool.com.
When? Friday, September 27
When? 2:00PM - 3:25pm
Who? Students and Staff in homeroom groups
Where? David A. Balfour Park
Over 30 years, The York School has raised more than $335,000 for The Terry Fox Foundation. This year, our goal for our school community is $10,000.
Students and staff are encouraged to wear their House-coloured spirit wear and accessories and Terry Fox shirts (if you purchased one). Shirts will be delivered to Homeroom teachers and Advisors prior to the run.
To donate to our school’s team page: York School Terry Fox Fundraising Page.
Questions? Please contact Erin Porter, Director, Student Life & Belonging at eporter@yorkschool.com.
National Day for Truth & Reconciliation Assembly - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30
On Monday, September 30 we will observe the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with an assembly address by Dr. Brenda Wastasecoot.
Students and staff are encouraged to wear an orange shirt on this day in support of residential school survivors.
As a reminder, if you would like to support the Orange Shirt Society, which provides resources to Residential School Survivors, please purchase your child’s official orange shirt from the list of approved vendors below:
McCabe Promotional (Premiere Retailer)
Canadian Tire
London Drugs – Available in stores, while supplies last
Mark’s – Unisex adult
Mark’s – Unisex youth
Turtle Lodge Trading Post
South Island Crafts
Beaded Orange Shirt Lapel Pins can be purchased from Tribal Roots Imports.
Questions? Please contact Erin Porter, Director, Student Life & Belonging at eporter@yorkschool.com.
change of start time: 2:30pm
PRELOVED UNIFORM SALE - change of start time: 2:30pm -
Preloved Uniform Drive runs UNTIL SEPTEMBER 11
Junior School: Preloved Uniform Drive collection boxes are on the main floor by the elevator.
Middle/Senior School: Preloved Uniform Drive collection boxes are on the main floor by the reception.
Preloved UNIFORM Donations
Please bring all your Preloved uniforms to your child/children's respective campus and place them inside the boxes provided at reception.
The York SHOP
September Hours
All middle school and senior school students will visit The York Shop during their gym class on either September 9 or 10 to purchase PHE uniforms. Students can use their Student ID numbers to purchase items.
The York Shop will be open during lunch, 11:30am - 12:40pm from September 11 - 27. Students are welcome to drop by to purchase items.
If you have any questions please reach out to Astrid Fischer at Afischer@yorkschool.com.