SENIOR SCHOOL - January 25, 2024


Monday, January 29 - PD Day (No Classes)
Wednesday, January 31, 9:05am - Wellbeing Assembly
Thursday, February 1, 1:00pm - Pick-A-Time Goes Live
Friday, February 2, 8:00am - Grade 12 Celebration Breakfast for students and parents
Monday, February 5 to Friday, February 9 - Grade 9 ICE Winter Camping
Thursday, February 8 to Sunday, February 11 - MIT Model United Nations Conference in Boston & Cambridge, Massachusetts
Friday, February 9 to Saturday, February 10 - DECA Provincials Business Competition
Monday, February 12, 7:00pm - Grade 11 Post-Secondary Information Evening
Tuesday, February 13, 12:20pm - Grade 10 English 3 & 4 Trip to see Macbeth
Wednesday, February 14, 11:40am - Lunar New Year  Celebration
Wednesday, February 14, 12:20pm - Grade 10 English 1 & 2 Trip to see Macbeth
Thursday, February 15, 1:00pm - Virtual Student-Centred Conferences
Students will follow a compressed schedule and be dismissed by 11:40am.
Pick-A-Time will open for parents to book appointments for Student Centred Interviews on February 1.
Friday, February 16 to Monday, February 19 - Winter Midterm Break (No Classes)
Tuesday, February 20, 8:30am - Virtual Student-Centred Conferences
Tuesday, February 20 - Course Selection Forms Due


January 8, 2024 - April 4, 2024

Junior School: Preloved Uniform Drive collection boxes are on the main floor by the elevator.
Middle/Senior School: Preloved Uniform Drive collection boxes are on the main floor by the reception.

Preloved UNIFORM Donations

Please bring all your Preloved uniforms to your child/children's respective campus and place them inside the boxes provided at reception.


AGA KHAN Museum Field Trip - Thursday, March 7

After the assembly on combating Islamophobia on Wednesday, March 6, The York School will be offering an optional field trip for students Grade 6-12 to the Aga Khan Museum on Thursday, March 7. The museum will do a tour and run grade level hands-on activities.

The tour and activity is from 10:00am - 12:00pm. We will be leaving York by bus at approximately 9:00am, and returning by 12:40pm (students should bring a lunch to eat en route). Your account will be charged $8 for the museum visit plus the cost of the bus. Students can register by filling out the form emailed to them by Ms. Gopal before February 5, 2024.

Questions? Please contact Shelley Gopal, DEI Curriculum Instructional Leader at

WELLNESS WEEK - Tuesday, January 30 - Friday, February 2

Wellness week is a week-long initiative run by the student wellbeing committee to promote positive mental health and reduce mental health stigma within our school community. We are accomplishing this through our theme for the week which is, “healthy habits”. Each day, the student leaders have chosen a different mini theme of one healthy habit that the activities for the day are related to. The student leaders chose this theme because incorporating healthy habits into your life is a great way to promote mental health through smaller and more visible tasks.

On Wednesday, our assembly is based on the theme of “coping and connections”. We are honoured to have multiple student speakers share what this theme means to them and their journey regarding mental health.

York is also going to be supporting a charity called Youth Link during our ‘pay what you can’ Karma Koffee morning on Tuesday January 30. YouthLink is an organization that offers youth and family counselling, parenting support, youth shelter and housing, education programs and community-based programs for youth aged 12 to 24 and their families.

Questions? Please contact Avallon Leopold, Senior School Social Worker at

Tickets go on sale this Friday for York’s Senior Semi Formal! Students should purchase their ticket using the google form that was emailed to them from Student Council. Ticket sales will close on Monday, February 12.

Any students wishing to bring a non-York school guest must print and complete the guest form and return it to Ms. Fuss by Monday February 12.

Where: The Warehouse (35 Carl Hall Rd #2, North York, ON M3K 2B6)

When: Friday, February 23 - Doors open at 8:00pm and close at 8:45pm - event ends at 11:00pm

Cost: Approx $50

Questions? Contact Adina Fuss, Coordinator, Student Leadership at

SEMI FORMAL (Grades 9 - 12) - Friday, FebRUARY 23