Friday, October 11 - Monday, October 14 - Thanksgiving Long Weekend (No Classes)

Tuesday, October 15 - Friday, October 18 - House Spirit Week

  • Students may wear themed clothing each day, or their uniform. See below for more information.

Tuesday, October 15, 9:00am - Grade 9 Parent Coffee Morning (RSVP Here)

Tuesday, October 15, 10:45am - Fire Drill at 1320 Yonge Street

Wednesday, October 16 - Monday, October 21 - 2024 International Independent School Public Speaking Championships in Bermuda

Wednesday, October 16 - Saturday, October 19 - CAIS Senior Boys Soccer Tournament

Wednesday, October 16, 1:00pm - Open House for Incoming Grade 9s

Tuesday, October 22, 8:30am - Middle and Senior School Photo Day (Grades 6 - 11)

Thursday, October 24, 1:00pm - Virtual Student-Centred Goal-Setting Conferences

  • Students will follow a compressed schedule and be dismissed by 11:40am.

  • Pick-A-Time is now open for parents to book appointments for Student Centred Interviews. Click on to this video for instructions.

Friday, October 25, 8:30am - Virtual Student-Centred Goal-Setting Conferences (No Classes)

Photo Day

Tuesday, October 22, 8:30am - Middle and Senior School Photo Day (Grades 6 - 11)

Students should wear one of the following uniform items: the long-sleeved blue polo shirt, the blue crewneck sweatshirt, or the blue ¼ zip sweatshirt with their regular uniform bottom.

Grade 9 Take Our Kids to Work Day  

On Wednesday, November 6, The York School will be participating in the National Take Our Kids to Work Day Initiative. There will be no grade 9 classes held that day and all grade 9 students are encouraged to participate.

Grade 9 parents are to complete this form by Monday, October 21 to let us know whether they require or can provide a placement for their child and/or additional students.

Grade 12 Parent Social reminder - Rsvps due TUESDAY

The Grade 12 Parent Social is taking place at Cucina Buca on Tuesday, October 22, 6:00pm - 9:00pm. 

This fun evening is being hosted by Katie Gray, Norie Campbell, Fiona Fitzpatrick, Stacey Gitlin & Virginia Priscus. RSVPs are due this Tuesday.

There should be an invitation in your inbox from Paperless Post (please check your spam folder). Reach out to Leslie Pringle at if you have difficulty signing up. 

We look forward to seeing you there!


SPIRIT WEEK - October 15 - 18

Our Spirit Council is excited for this year’s House Spirit Week based on our 3 C’s - Challenge, Community and Curiosity.

Students and staff can look forward to daily dress down themes with an all-out House vs House competition on the Wednesday when we are wearing our House colours. Activities at lunch are optional opportunities for students and staff to contribute more points to their house.

The winning house of Spirit Week will win an additional casual day in November.

Students who do not dress in the theme of the day should continue to wear their uniform.

Questions? Please contact Diana Rowell, Coordinator, Middle Student Leadership or Adina Fuss, Coordinator, Senior Student Leadership at

YORK SCARES HUNGER CAMPAIGN - October 21 - November 1

This year, we are encouraging students and families to help alleviate food insecurity in our community and city by supporting our annual York Scares Hunger campaign in one of the following ways:

  1. Daily Bread Food Bank —>
    Bring in the following items and place them in your House bin outside the Student Life office in the cafeteria or the Middle School commons between October 21 - November 1

  2. Children’s Breakfast Clubs Charity
    Make a donation to CBCC which serves 5000 hot meals a week
    to elementary students in the GTA experiencing food insecurity.

Questions? Please contact Erin Porter, Director, Student Life & Belonging at

HALLOWEEN - October 31

We are looking forward to handing out some serious house points on Halloween as staff and students contribute to our 4th C-Value -  Creativity!

At 9:05am we will have two options for our community to participate in - a Halloween Costume Catwalk Assembly or a low-sensory, alternative programming classroom.  

At 11:30am we will have a Halloween Carnival in the Fitness Centre for our Middle School students, hosted by the spooktacular YPA and our Spirit Council student leaders.

As always, Halloween at York continues to be an opportunity for us to show our sense of community and innovation through school-appropriate costumes and activities with sweet incentives.

Questions? Please contact Erin Porter, Director, Student Life & Belonging at

Parenting in the Digital Age: Virtual Parent Webinar

Presented by Jake Ernst, Straight Up Health 

Today's parents are faced with an unprecedented challenge: to parent and raise their kids in the age of the internet. Many of today’s kids are constantly online and many parents are growing concerned about the impact this is having on kids and their wellbeing. In this session, we’ll talk about the number one factor that impacts whether or not kids get hooked by their device, what apps and websites parents should know about, how to avoid common digital parenting mistakes, and how to strike a balance between digital safety and digital freedom.


Full Zip Black Fleece - Online Order Only

The online site is now open for orders until October 15, 2024. Orders can be shipped directly to your home or to The York Shop for free. These orders can be picked up between December 16, 2024 to December 18, 2024 from 11:30am - 1:30pm at The York Shop at our 1320 campus.

Click here to order.

If you plan on ordering a black fleece for yourself or your child in the Middle-Senior School, please head over to The Shop (1320 Yonge Street Campus).

The Black Fleece samples are outside The York Shop at the Middle and Senior School. Students can visit the Learning Commons to try them on for size.